In mid 2011, The Kwazulu Natal Fly Fishing Association took the Thendela community under its wing and initiated the fly fishing project with Youth of the area. The aim of the project was to teach fly fishing as a recreational pastime and to assist with creating a community managed river fishery on the Mooi River within their own tribal trust lands.
“Give a man a fish feed him for a day, teach a man to fish feed him for a lifetime”
In this case this project is not actually feeding the community with fish but feeding them with a sustainable project that will give local people opportunities economically, socially and environmentally.
The project began with initial beginner workshops to teach basic fly fishing on dams in the Kamberg Nature Reserve. These workshops were volunteered by the KZNFFA committee and team anglers, and co-ordinated by the group facilitator Richard Khumalo. The young anglers were taught to correctly release fish, the importance of respecting their surroundings and conserving their river area. Over the years, advanced workshops and river technique have been imparted.
A unique fly fishing project...(expand to continue) The community were visited by International Casting Instructor , Peter Hayes(Australia) who presented a “Teach the Teacher “ course for a few of the most competent in Thendela. They now continue the work of teaching enthusiastic new fly fishers to try their hand at the pursuit of finned friends that populate the surrounding streams and dams. A remote area first Aid course was undertaken by some of the project members to offer safety and aid to visiting anglers when in need. River rehabilitation and clean-up is continually underway with the angler community, and the preparation of the local managed fishery for day visitors is now complete and ready to welcome anglers to enjoy their stretch of wild spawned Mooi River trout water.